"It has given me perspective and made me challenge my own way of thinking"

Head of Department, CoachED Client

Welcome to the start of your Coaching journey…..

The most useful staff development happens when staff fully engage within the community;

‘effective professional learning communities have the capacity to promote and sustain the learning of professionals in a school with the collective purpose of enhancing student learning’

(Louis et al. 1995; Bolam et al. 2005) (Stoll and Louis 2007)

These communities do not happen on their own.  They need to be guided and directed . The CoachED model provides clear direction through Empathetic Coaching and reflective practice to enable a cohesive and successful community. This self managed programme enables a school to create more effective professionals, develop teachers’ growth mindset to better engage with research, pedagogy and other CPD while focusing on and aiding teacher Wellbeing. We provide everything you need to embed the model in your setting for all of your staff!

In 2022 40000 teachers left the profession for reasons other than retirement (NFER:2023) and the teacher retention and recruitment crisis makes the news every week. Enabling teachers to feel valued and listened to is at the heart of the CoachED ethos. This simple and easy to embed empathetic model can allow your school to not just retain its staff, but ensure that teachers feel valued professionals.

The newly updated Education Staff Wellbeing Charter from the Department of Education (DfE: updated January 2024) highlights the importance of the Wellbeing and mental health of all teaching staff. It also states that improved staff wellbeing is a key outcome of educational policy.  Points 7 and 8 of the charter assert that schools should embed wellbeing as part of training and professional development and improve access to mental health and wellbeing resources respectively. It emphasises that schools should provide resources to enable staff to feel empowered to take ownership of their own mental wellbeing, as well as looking out for the wellbeing of others. The CoachED model can help you to do this in your school

Education Staff Wellbeing Charter: DfE https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6194eb37d3bf7f0551f2d1a5/DfE_Education_Workforce_Welbeing_Charter_Nov21.pdf

CoachED Connections

Teacher Wellbeing and Coaching in the News: Why your school needs this now…

SecEd: https://www.sec-ed.co.uk/content/best-practice/pupil-progress-pitstops-formative-assessment-in-action

Evidence Based Education: Professor Coe: https://evidencebased.education/why-arent-we-doing-instructional-coaching-even-though-everyone-else-seems-to-be/

Evidence Based Education: Professor Coe: https://evidencebased.education/teacher-collaboration-why-were-for-it-even-when-the-evidence-is-weak/

Education Week: Ariel Sacks – So much here about teacher self awareness and how this aids the getting the most from students: https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-what-makes-a-great-teacher-pedagogy-or-personality/2019/09

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